Removefind Again 7157 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village 11379
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Off Market
Taxes / Assessments
- Assessment Twelvemonth: 2021
Property / Lot Details
- Gross Sq. Ft: 53,536
- # of Stories: 7
- # of Buildings: 1
- Legal Lot Number: 7502
- Legal Block Number: 3055
- Municipality Name: Center VILLAGE
- Zoning Code: R5B
- Canton Utilize Clarification: SPECIAL CONDOMINIUM BILLIG LOT
- Sale History
- Taxation History
Yr | Property Taxation | Land + | Additions = | Assessed Value |
2010 | ||||
2009 |
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What Can You Make from Selling Your Dwelling?
Selling with Traditional Amanuensis Selling with Redfin Agent
+ $fifty,962
Your Total Sale Proceeds
$448,373 $499,335
Seller Agent Commission
three% ($101,923) i.5% ($50,962)
Full Service Agent
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Gratuitous 3D Walkthrough
Buyer Agent Commission
$101,923 $101,923
Excise Tax
$nineteen,026 $19,026
Championship Insurance
$vi,570 $six,570
Escrow Fee
$702 $702
Misc. Fees
$928 $928Taxes and fees shown are national averages. Consult with a real estate agent for specific fee data in your area.
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$1,668 - $ane,857 / mo
Market trends for Queens
Condo, — beds
Rental estimate based on contempo rentals.
About the Building
Units For Sale
Unit of measurement Information Not Available
There aren't any units for sale in this building.
Flushing's enrollment policy is not based solely on geography. Please cheque the school commune website to see all schools serving this dwelling.
P.S. 128 the Lorraine Tuzzo, Juniper Valley Uncomplicated School
Public, K-8 • Serves this dwelling
Eye Village Prep Charter School
Charter, 6-8 • Nearby schoolhouse
St Margaret School
Private, PreK-8 • Nearby school
PS 87 Middle Village
Public, PreK-8 • Nearby school
International High For Health Sciences
Public, 9-12 • Option school
School data is provided by GreatSchools , a nonprofit organization. Redfin recommends buyers and renters use GreatSchools information and ratings as a starting time footstep, and conduct their own investigation to determine their desired schools or school districts, including by contacting and visiting the schools themselves. Redfin does not endorse or guarantee this information. School service boundaries are intended to be used equally a reference merely; they may change and are non guaranteed to be accurate. To verify school enrollment eligibility, contact the school commune directly.
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Climate Risk
About Climate Hazard
Most homes take some risk of natural disasters, and may be impacted past climatic change due to rising temperatures and sea levels.
Environmental Risks
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Climate gamble data is provided for advisory purposes but. If you have questions or feedback about this information, get aid at
Redfin does not endorse nor guarantee this data. By providing this information, Redfin and its agents are not providing advice or guidance on flood risk, flood insurance, or other climate risks. Redfin strongly recommends that consumers independently investigate the property's climate risks to their ain personal satisfaction.
More Real Estate Resources
How much is this home worth?
Based on Redfin'south Flushing data, nosotros estimate the home's value is $3,397,446
When was this domicile built and concluding sold?
7157 Metropolitan Ave was built in 1985.
What is the rental judge for this habitation?
We estimate that 7157 Metropolitan Ave would hire for between $one,668 and $one,857.
How competitive is the market for this dwelling?
Based on Redfin's market data, we summate that market contest in 11379, this home'south neighborhood, is not-very competitive. Homes sell for about 2% below listing price and become pending in around 63 days.
What comparable homes are most this home?
What's the full accost of this abode?
The full address for this home is 7157 Metropolitan Avenue, Flushing, New York 11379.
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